EscapeE Version Notes

ESCAPEE 10.81- Oct 2024

10.81 18 Oct 2024
Improves PDF Options button to save appropriately and prevent interference of EETEMP settings
Removed frequent pop-up notification to reload file
Added support to allow LPR for files larger than 2GB
Fixed EAccessViolation in RTXLIN interface when reading certain PCLXL files

ESCAPEE 10.80 A through F – AUG 2024

10.80F 12 AUG 2024 
(SPR1684) Fix; Do not supress zero line segments as they make all the difference to the output.

10.80E 8 AUG 2024
Correction to prevent (SPR1656) fix damaging other types of docment

10.80D 27 JUN 2024
(SPR1692) Honours /PAGE parameters when filename is wildcard /PAGE is specially processed but not used by LOF code - it looks like incomplete updates here (not changed)

10.80C 24 JUN 2024
(SPR1702) Fix; Changed JSON format; JSON logging mode now working; (SPR1701) Fix; Update file auto detection for Epson files
(SPR1656) Fix; Upate to address AFP files where text is displayed as black text instead of white on page two

10.80B 21 JUN 2024 Added log output support.

10.80A 30 APR 2024 Testing JSON export feature - no log output yet.

ESCAPEE 10.69, 10.70 – Nov 2023

10.70  13 JAN 2024 Page Piece support added

10.69 22 NOV 2023 (SPR1656) Improve scaled RFF text drawning when one colour is over another colour.

ESCAPEE 10.68c – 24th July 2023

Bug Fixes; Improvement to PDF input rendering to support badly constructed graphs.
Fix to prevent erroneous scanning of current directory if no path is specified.
Improved TCP port reading feature and made TIME not required for this.
Changed ROUND to not be banker's rounding.
Improved support for PNG interlaced images.
Fix to 'edge to edge' option on command line vs internal command.
Natural scaled images were not being rendered correctly - optimisation code in HALFTONE improved.

ESCAPEE 10.67 – 26th October 2022

Features: Improvements to AFP support

Bug Fixes; Improvements to disposition of error messages and PJL messages in log window.
Error with building fonts in TEMPDIR location fixed by checking that TEMPDIR is a valid place to build files. EscapeE will exit if subsequently it cannot build TTF files

ESCAPEE 10.66 – 12th July 2022

Features: Support for alpha jpegs in PDF

Bug Fixes; Support for shading patterns using indexed colour spaces 

ESCAPEE 10.65A – 23rd May 2022

Bug Fixes;

10.65A: White text was rendered as black when exporting PDF to TIF FAX format now fixed

ESCAPEE 10.65 – 11th May 2022

Bug Fixes;

10.65: Fixes SPR1563, Updated JPEG DLL to fix crash in complex image. SPR1567 improvements to Alpha drawing & SPR1568 memory issue with very large file >1GB

ESCAPEE 10.63 – 18th March 2022

Bug Fixes;

10.63: Fixes SPR1544 Undocumented compression 99 using wrong CCITT4 odd-bytes mode. 

ESCAPEE 10.62 – 7th February 2022

Bug Fixes;

10.62: Going back a page in view mode could sometimes corrupt the page, now fixed (SPR1534).

10.62: XML export of field coordinates now supplies top/left X,Y values for basic fields

10.62: Better font selection with user-defined symbol set (SPR1525)

ESCAPEE 10.61 – 20th August 2021


There is now a feature for including XML metadata in TIFFs and reading it back. This intended for use with the Tesseract OCR code to create searchable PDFs from bitmapped files. Field definitions can be used to create XML for each page - the data will be similar to the data that would be exported to XML. This data is stored as a private tag, currently tag number 65223, in each TIFF page. There are two new options in the configuration and TIFF export dialogues to output either just the field names, width, height and coordinates where found but can also include any extracted data:
Include XML [ ] fields [ ] data
The command line options are /TIFF 1D to include the data or /TIFF 1X just to include the XML fields.

When reading back such a file the metadata is displayed as XML in the Source panel of the console window and can be exported to XML by choosing the Meta data option in the "Fields to be output" group. It can also be output as the log file when exporting the TIFF file to some other format - choose Meta data in the log file options.

Truetype fonts are now drawn using glyph numbers rather than Unicode codes. This avoids problems with unwanted character substitution in Windows 10.

10.61B: The highest tray number of 20 now applies to PostScript as well as PCL.

10.61D: It is now possible to export metadata from a TIFF using the options /SAVE M /FIELDS '' 
Bug Fixes;

10.61C: The new /TIFF 1X option did not work in conjuction with the /X option.

10.61D: A bad plugin configuration string could cause an access protection fault.
A modification in version 10.61C: to flag substitute fonts better caused problems for some plugins.

10.61E: Problem in outputting some types of images that have alpha transparency (SPR1509). 

ESCAPEE 10.60 – 22nd July 2021


There is now a case-blind option on the Fields/Searching menu that will cause the tag to be matched regardless of the case. Currently this only applies to only for letters a-z and A-Z, not for accented letters or non-latin alphabets.

There is an option in IDF export "Para gap/line height". This allows specification of the gap between lines that will count as delimiting a paragraph, as a percentage of the text line height.

Improved handling of text spacing in PDFs produced by the Tesseract OCR plugin.

10.60B: IDF files generated by EscapeE now contain a <INFO tag that allows them to be edited by the IDF wizard.

10.60B: The highest configurable PCL tray number is now 20 rather than 9.
Bug Fixes;

Unwanted luminance correction for CMYK JPEG images could give the wrong colours.

The /ERROROK ALL option did not suppress all logged errors.

10.60A: Problem when using a CSV control file in conjunction with fields that call a new fields file.

10.60B: There was a spurious error message when reading 600 dpi resolution TIFFs.

10.60B: Incorrect output file names were generated when the output folder name started with a dot.